


The rock art are paintings and engravings found on panels and rock shelters. Composed of various forms,
such as marks left by prehistoric peoples, indicate the passage, daily life, history and messages, which could
have been a form of language, but which today are enigmas to be deciphered by archaeologists from all over
the world. Rock art today is defined by two types (Paintings and Engravings), various traditions and some subtraditions,
which vary according to the forms of the arts, methodologies and trends in archaeological sites.
No Seridó Paraibano, specifically not Seridó Oriental, we usually encounter arts from the Agreste, Nordeste
and Itacoatiara traditions. When observing the archaeological sites previously known in the area under
analysis, locating studies, bibliographic sources and research in progress, the article will bring concepts,
preconceptions and technical readings of what they represent; as made up; and their importance as objects
of study, understanding and perspectives for tourism and science.


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Como Citar

Cordeiro, I. V. S. (2022). A ARTE RUPESTRE DO SERIDÓ. REVISTA TARAIRIÚ, 1(18), 117–137. Recuperado de https://revista.uepb.edu.br/REVELAP/article/view/1145