About the Journal
BIOFARM, formerly Journal of Biology & Pharmacy and Agricultural Management (ISSN: 1983-4209) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal of Biology & Pharmacy and Agricultural Management published quarterly online by Paraíba State University (UEPB), with no subscription fees and/or entry barriers.
Aims & Scope - Our aim is to publish articles with originality and scientific quality, including original research results, review articles, dissemination of new methods or techniques, education and general topics in all areas of knowledge of pharmaceutical, biological and agricultural management sciences.
The journal publishes research reports in the form of Original Articles, Short Communications, Tecnical Notes or Letters, as well Reviews, Systematic Reviews or Mini-Reviews.
Articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English are accepted. However, the journal strongly encourages submissions in English.
Articles submitted to the journal are evaluated by ad hoc consultants (from Brazil and abroad) who are specialists in the area involved and who may eventually belong to the Editorial Board.
Articles published in BIOFARM are indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded, SciELO and Scopus.