Factors Influencing Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Among Preschool Children in District of Kota Bharu, Malaysia: A Cross-Sectional Study
Dental Caries, Quality of Life, Child, Preschool, Oral HealthAbstract
Objective: To assess caries experience and its association with oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of preschool children in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. Material and Methods: A sample of 169 preschool children of 5-6-year-old at a private preschool in the district of Kota Bharu, Kelantan was participated and were subjected to an oral examination to determine their caries experience by a single calibrated dentist. The parents were responding to self-administered Malay-ECOHIS and their socio- demographic background. Descriptive, Chi-square test and Spearman correlation were done to analyse the data required in this study. Results: Subjects comprised of girls (55.6%) with most parents (39%) had a secondary level of education, and 47.9% of them had a monthly income of RM1000-RM2999. Caries prevalence was 74.6% with a mean (SD) dmft was 5.27(5.22). The impacts on OHRQoL were more prevalent in the family section of Malay-ECOHIS (12.5%; 95%CI: 7.5%-17.5%) than the child section (4.2%; 95%CI: 1.16%-7.24%). Items related to ‘felt guilty’ (22.5%; 95%CI: 16%-29%) and ‘been upset’ (20.2%; 95%CI: 14.1%-26.3%) were the frequently reported on the family impact section. In child impact section, the item related to ‘pain’ (36.7%; 95%CI: 30%-43%) and ‘difficulty eating’ (20.8%; 95%CI: 14.7%-26.9%) were reported more frequently. Children with caries experience were significantly associated with the impact on family OHRQoL (p<0.05). Conclusion: The presence of dental caries was a significant predictor of poor OHRQoL.
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