Risk Factors for Different Types of Traumatic Injuries in Primary Teeth
Child, Tooth, Deciduous, Tooth Injuries, Risk FactorsAbstract
Objective: To evaluate traumatic dental injuries (TDI) in primary teeth and the association of gender and age with different injuries. Material and Methods: Records of patients with TDI in primary teeth were included. The following parameters were registered: gender and age, place of trauma, cause of trauma, affected tissue and tooth, number of injured teeth, type of injury, and gingival and bone damage. A logistic regression analysis was performed to explore the interaction between gender and age on the occurrence of types of injuries (p≤0.05). Results: The total of 721 records were evaluated and 370 records were included, being 61.6% boys and 60.5% children aged 0–3 years old, with 658 primary teeth affected. The support tissue was most affected (496/658), followed by dental tissue (139/658). Enamel/dentine fracture with pulp exposure (n=51) and intrusion (n=131) were the most common injuries of dental and support tissues, respectively. In general, boys suffered more traumas than girls, regardless of the age range. As for concussion, logistic regression confirms that gender and age are also influencers. Girls (OR=1.822, CI = 1.050-3.164, p=0.033) in the 4–6 year age group (OR=2.15, CI = 1.239–3.747, p=0.007) are more likely to have concussions. Children age 4–6 years were less likely to suffer an intrusion (OR=0.496; CI = 0.278– 0.886; p=0.018). Conclusion: Gender and age influence concussion and intrusion in the primary teeth.
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