Sealing Carious Fissures with Resin Infiltrant in Association with a Flowable Composite Reduces Immediate Microleakage?
Dental Materials, Pit and Fissure Sealants, Dental Caries, Dental LeakageAbstract
Objective: To compare the immediate microleakage of carious fissures sealed with a caries infiltrant covered by a flowable composite or solely with a flowable composite. Material and Methods: Extracted carious molars (n=20) were selected and paired among the experimental groups according to caries progression scores. Experimental groups (n=10) were divided according to the following sealing techniques: 1) caries infiltrant (Icon) + flowable composite (Z350 flow); 2) flowable composite (Z350 flow). Specimens were immersed in 3% methylene blue and evaluated in a stereomicroscope. Microleakage scores were attributed independently by two calibrated evaluators and the mode value was considered as the mean for the specimen. Binomial tests were used to test differences between two independent sample proportions at 5% significance level. Results: In the flowable composite group, a higher prevalence of dye penetration along the full depth of the fissure was observed, compared with caries infiltrant + flowable composite (p<0.05). For specimens showing dye penetration up to half of the fissure, in caries infiltrant + flowable composite group, all specimens showed dye penetration into the sealant, but not over the infiltrant. Conclusion: Using caries infiltrant as sealing material under a flowable composite cover is effective to improve the immediate sealing ability in carious fissures compared to sealing with flowable composite.
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