Evaluation of Canine Transpositions and Related Dental Anomalies in a Turkish Pediatric Population
Stomatognathic System Abnormalities, Tooth Abnormalities, Radiography, Panoramic, ChildAbstract
Objective: To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of canine transpositions and to evaluate associated dental anomalies in a pediatric population. Material and Methods: This study was carried out by evaluating the panoramic radiographs of 11.750 patients ranging in ages from 6 to 17 presented to a pedodontic clinic over 5 years. The patients with canine transposition were included in the study. Age at diagnosis, gender, classification and location of transposition, presence of other dental anomalies were recorded. Differences were analyzed using the Chi-squared test. Results: Canine transposition was detected in 73 teeth from 69 patients (0.6%). Transpositions were more common in girls than in boys (55.1%). Transposed canine teeth were more frequently observed unilaterally (89%). The most commonly found transposition type was type 2 (42%). A total of 49.3% of 69 patients had retained primary canine teeth, 20.3% had congenitally missing teeth, and 11.6% had peg-shaped, microdont lateral incisors. Impacted teeth excluding third molars and taurodontism were also observed. Conclusion: Although the canine transpositions are generally asymptomatic in children in the period of growth and development, the importance of early diagnosis is crucial to prevent various clinical problems.
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