Bactericidal and Smear Layer Removal Efficacy of Herbal Alternatives Against Enterococcus Faecalis Dentinal Biofilm – An ex-vivo Study
Endodontics, Root Canal Therapy, Plant Preparations, Microscopy, Electron, ScanningAbstract
Objective: To assess the antibacterial and smear layer removal ability of Trigonella foenum, Syzygium cumini, Terminalia chebula seed extracts against E. faecalis dentinal biofilm. Material and Methods: Agar well diffusion, micro broth dilution assay and time-kill curve assay were performed to determine the antibacterial activity. The ability of the herbal extracts to remove the smear layer on the root canal surface was assessed by scanning electron microscopy. Results: Antibacterial activity was observed for the extracts of S. cumini and T. chebula on E. faecalis dentinal biofilm and its planktonic counterparts. The smear layer was efficiently removed by the seed extracts of T. chebula alone. Seed extracts of T. foenum neither possessed antibacterial effect nor smear layer removal ability. Conclusion: The extracts of T. chebula seeds may replace conventional irrigant due to its antibacterial properties and smear layer removing the ability. The extracts of S. cumini may be used as an intracanal medicament as it exhibited a bactericidal effect against the E. faecalis dentinal biofilm following 18 hours of incubation.
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