Orthodontic Treatment Need among Nepalese High School Students
Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need, Malocclusion, StudentsAbstract
Objective: To assess the need for orthodontic treatment among Nepalese high school students. Material and Methods: This is a quantitative, cross-sectional descriptive study. The sample comprises 938 children (537 males and 401 females) with an age group above 14 years. The subjects were selected voluntarily from seven different schools of Kathmandu valley using a multistage sampling technique. The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need comprises two components: Dental Health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic Component (AC). Two trained and calibrated examiners performed the oral examination. Results: On analysis of the DHC component, it was found that 21% had no need, 18.1% had mild/little need, 24.3% had moderate/borderline need, 35.8% had severe need, and 0.7% had extreme treatment need. Similarly on analysis of AC component, it was found that 33% were AC-1, 30.8% were AC-2, 7.2% were AC-3, 8.2% were AC-4, 2.1% were AC-5, 3.6% were AC-6, 1.8% were AC-7, 7.4% were AC-8, 1.8% were AC-9, and 3.9% were AC-10. Conclusion: The Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need can be used as a tool for planning dental health resources and prioritizing the treatment need of different populations.References
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