Gingival Recession Treatment with the Use of Xenogeneic Matrix: Optimization of Patient-Centered Outcomes by the Digital Soft Tissue Design
Gingival Recession, Patient Outcome Assessment, HeterograftsAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the impact of the originally-developed approach aimed at pre-treatment graphical modelling of soft-tissue changes (digital soft tissue design) for the optimization of patient-centered outcomes after Class I and Class II single gingival recessions treatment with the use of a xenogeneic dermal matrix. Material and Methods: Patients enrolled in the study group received single gingival recession treatment via CAF+XDM method supported by pre-treatment graphical modelling of potential soft-tissue changes (digital soft tissue design), while patients enrolled in the control group received single gingival recession treatment via CAF+CTG method with no pre-treatment graphical modeling of gingival level changes. Patient-centered outcomes were measured by visual analogue scale, OHIP-14, and Mahajan’s scales. Results: Realization of pre-treatment graphical modelling of soft-tissue changes supported the achievement of better patient-centered outcomes, such as root coverage (p<0.05), surgical phase (p<0.05), post-surgical phase (p<0.05), cost-effectiveness (p<0.05) and diagnostics and patient-orientation (p<0.05) based on patient's personal perception grades. Conclusion: Patient-centered results were found to be more successful within the group using the xenogeneic type of graft accompanied with the implementation of pre-treatment graphical modeling of soft tissue changes, which helped to balance patients’ pre-operative expectations and post-operative satisfaction with the received results, reduce post-operative morbidity and improve oral health-related quality of life.
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