Age-Related Pattern of Dental Trauma in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution
Tooth Injuries, Tooth Fractures, Tooth Avulsion, Age GroupsAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the pattern of traumatic dental injuries among children, adolescents, and adults. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytic study of children and adults who presented with dental trauma. Data utilized for this study were sociodemographic characteristics, history of the traumatic incident, presenting complaints, traumatized teeth and classification of the traumatized tissues using Ellis and Davey’s classification. Results: A total of 163 participants with 307 traumatized teeth were included in the study. The participants' age ranged from 2 years to 75 years, with a mean age of 25.36 ±15.4 years. Children <10 years were the least represented (14.7%), adolescents 10-19 years accounted for 23.9%., young adults 20 to 40 years were the most represented (44.8%) and older adults >40 years (16.6%). A higher proportion of the study participants were female 83 (50.9%) and the most prevalent complaint was broken teeth (57.1%) The most prevalent aetiology of the trauma documented was fall (36.2%). The most prevalent injury type was extended crown fracture with noticeable dentinal involvement without pulp exposure. There was a statistically significant association between injury type, aetiology and age group. Conclusion: Traumatic dental injuries affect children, adolescents and adults alike. The central incisors were the most vulnerable teeth across all age groups. Age was significantly associated with the etiology of dental trauma and injury type.References
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