Profile of Hospitalizations of Children and Adolescents Victims of Transport Accidents: A Retrospective Study
Accidents, Traffic, Facial Injuries, Maxillary Fractures, Child, AdolescentAbstract
Objective: To present the profile of hospitalizations due to transport accidents in individuals aged 0-19 years in a reference hospital for urgent and emergency traumatology care. Material and Methods: This retrospective study is grounded on analyzing medical records of children and adolescents hospitalized due to transport accidents in 2016 and 2017. The bivariate analyses included Chi-square and Fischer’s exact tests and binary logistic regression, with a 5% significance level. Results: Four hundred and seventy-five (43.7%) of the 1,088 medical records investigated corresponded to transport accidents, and accidents involving motorcycles were the most frequent (68.3%), affecting adolescents (81.3%), while children were more involved in accidents as pedestrians (57.1%). Advancing age increases the likelihood of the outcome, with a significant association in the multivariate analysis (p<0.001). The mandible was most frequently affected in maxillofacial fractures. Conclusion: Transport accidents predominantly affect male adolescents, involving motorcycles, and the lower limbs are the most affected. The mandible was the most affected bone in maxillofacial fractures.
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