Accelerating Wound Healing of Traumatic Ulcer with Topical Application of Dental Pulp Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome and Robusta Green Coffee Bean Extract Combination in vivo
Fibroblasts, Neutrophils, Stem Cells, Wound Healing, MedicineAbstract
Objective: To investigate the ability of a combination dental pulp mesenchymal stem cell secretome (DPMSCS), robusta green coffee bean extract (RGCBE), and Carboxymethylcellulose-Natrium (CMC-Na) in a Wistar rats model of traumatic ulcers. Material and Methods: Twenty-eight young, male, healthy Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were divided into seven groups randomly: Group K0, group K1-3 (traumatic ulcer rats that received CMC-Na gel for three days), group K1-7 (traumatic ulcer rats that received CMC-Na gel for seven days), group K2-3 (traumatic ulcer rats that received RGCBE for three days), group K2-7 (traumatic ulcer rats that received RGCBE for seven days), group K3-3 (traumatic ulcer rats that received DPMSCS for three days), and group K3-7 (traumatic ulcer rats that received DPMSCS for seven days). An ulcer was made with an amalgam stopper on the right buccal mucosa of the rats. DPMSCS 50% gel was applied to the ulcer on the left buccal mucosa. The ulcer diameter was measured on day 3 and day 7. Results: There was a significant difference in the diameter of the ulcer, the number of neutrophils, and fibroblasts in the treatment group compared to the control group on day 7. Conclusion: A combination of DPMSCS and RGCBE 50% accelerates traumatic ulcer wound healing by lowering ulcer diameter, decreasing neutrophil counts, and increasing fibroblast proliferation in vivo.
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