Effect of Quality of Dental Health Services to Patient Satisfaction in Indonesia 2019: Importance-Performance Analysis
Health Services, Quality of Health Care, Personal SatisfactionAbstract
Objective: To determine the effect of the quality of dental health services based on dimensions of empathy and responsiveness to patient satisfaction in urban and rural areas in Bone District, Indonesia. Material and Methods: This survey used an analytical observational method with a pilot pathfinder survey design. The total of participants included in this survey was 442, with 223 in the urban area and 219 in the rural area. This survey was held on 25 February – 1 March 2019. The Mann-Whitney test was applied, adopting a significance level of 5%. Results: Empathy and responsive dimensions in urban (3.58 ± 0.94 and 3.50 ± 0.94) and rural (3.43 ± 0.99 and 3.63 ± 0.86) areas were in the moderate category. The administration staff was able to complete administrative procedures, and the Dental assistant responded promptly to the patient's request and needs. Conclusion: The quality of empathy and responsiveness dimensions in dental treatment fall in the moderate category for urban and rural areas; this means that empathy and responsiveness dimensions in dental service in hospital/public health need to be improved.References
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