Relationship between Malocclusion, Bullying, and Quality of Life in Students from Low Social Development Area: A Cross-Sectional Study
Malocclusion, Bullying, Quality of Life, Social EnvironmentAbstract
Objective: To analyze the relationship between malocclusion and bullying and its impact on the well-being and quality of life of students from low social development areas. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 243 schoolchildren between 10 and 17 years. Malocclusion was analyzed using Dental Aesthetic Index. Bullying and self-perception of the impact of one’s oral condition on quality of life and interpersonal relationships were assessed by questions from National Survey of Schoolchildren's Health and Child Perceptions Questionnaire 11-14 (CPQ11-14). Data were analyzed using the Spearman correlation coefficient and Mann-Whitney tests, considering groups: 10-11, 12-14 and 15-17 years. Results: No correlation was observed between malocclusion and bullying. However, in the 12-14 group, poor correlations were found between malocclusion and the CPQ11-14 (0.226) and between malocclusion and being shy/embarrassed due to oral aspects (0.298). Positive correlations were observed between bullying and the impact on the quality of life in the 10-11 (0.420) and 12-14 (0.425) groups. In the older group, a positive correlation (0.724) was observed between the concern about what others think of their oral health and the impact on their quality of life. Conclusion: There was no evidence of a relationship between malocclusion and bullying. However, the oral conditions negatively affected the interpersonal relationships and the student's quality of life.References
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