Impact of Mobile Dental Clinics on the Quality of Life of Children
Longitudinal Studies, Quality of Life, Dental Caries, Child, DentistryAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the impact of mobile dental clinics on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQL) of children. Material and Methods:A longitudinal epidemiological study was conducted with participants from seven mobile dental clinics carried out between May 2019 and January 2020 by the NGO Missão Sorrisos. Parents and children who attended the program had their sociodemographic data collected. Both completed the Scale of Oral Health 5 (SOHO-5) self-reported questionnaire before treatment and again 30 days after treatment. Results: The improvement in the children's oral health after treatment at the mobile clinics is reflected in the pre-and post-treatment medians measured by the SOHO-5 total score from the children's own reports from the parents' reports. The procedures performed were effective in reducing pain and difficulties in eating, drinking, and sleeping. An improvement in the perception of the children's appearance and self-confidence was reported, both from the perspective of the parents/guardians and the children themselves. The chance of improvement in the perception of the children’s oral health was greater for parents (OR=5.96; CI95%: 1.32-26.84) and children (OR=5.76; CI95%: 1.28- 25.95) from families whose main caregiver was not professionally active at the time of the study. Conclusion: The mobile dental clinics had a positive impact on the OHRQL of children from the perspective of the participants of the study.
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