Comparison of Accuracy Between Pulp/Tooth Ratio and Tooth Coronal Index Methods for Dental Age Estimation Using Digital Panoramic Radiographs
Age Determination by Teeth, Radiography, Panoramic, Dental Pulp CavityAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the reliability and the accuracy of Tooth Coronal Index (TCI) and Pulp/Tooth Ratio (PTR) methods in dental age estimation using digital panoramic radiography. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 237 dental panoramic images were collected. The two methods (TCI and PTR) were applied to all left mandibular first and second molars based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. In order to analyze the acquired data, statistical methods were used. The estimated ages derived by exclusive formula were compared to the chronological age, and the error ranges for each indicator were measured to determine their accuracy. Results: There were negative correlations between PTR in the first molar (r=-0.89) and in the second molar (r=-0.788), as well as TCI in the first molar (r=-0.587) and in the second molar (r=-0.242). In this study, we found that the Pulp/Tooth Ratio (PTR) accuracy rate for mandibular first and second molar teeth was 79.21% and 62.09 %, respectively, although the Tooth Coronal Index (TCI) value for these teeth was 34.45% and 5.85%. Conclusion: Pulp/Tooth Ratio and Tooth Coronal Index are potential age estimation indices. Although PTR was the more accurate one in our study. The results also demonstrated that indices related to the first molar tooth could be used to estimate age with greater accuracy and validity.
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