Non-Invasive Methods and the Use of Infiltrating Resins for the Control of Caries Progression in Deciduous Teeth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Dental Materials, Fluorides, Topical, Dental Caries, Tooth, Deciduous, Clinical TrialAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the influence of non-invasive treatment associated with the use of infiltrating resin for managing caries lesions in primary teeth. Material and Methods: A systematic review was performed by selecting articles from 6 online databases, using a search algorithm and eligibility criteria for data extraction and data synthesis for the papers included. Clinical trials involving primary teeth with incipient caries lesions (1/2 of the enamel or 1/3 of the outer dentin) were included, presenting full text and answering the study's guiding question. This study used the RoB 2 tool for the risk of bias assessment and GRADE for certainty of evidence. Random effects meta-analyses were implemented, and lesion progression treatment effects were estimated through relative risk (RR) and associated 95% confidence intervals. Results: A total of 440 studies were found. After analyzing the inclusion criteria and removal of duplicates, eight studies were analyzed for quality evidence. Five of the eight studies included in this review contributed to the meta-analysis, all with some reflections regarding the risk of bias. Overall, the results of the meta-analysis showed that non-invasive treatment, when associated with the use of infiltrating resins, significantly reduced the risk of caries progression in relation to the treatment without this addition for follow-up periods ranging from 12 months to 2 years (RR 0.51 [0.40-0.65]). Conclusion: There is moderate certainty of evidence that the use of infiltrating resins associated with non-invasive treatments decreases the risk of caries progression in primary teeth with incipient caries lesions (1/2 of the enamel or 1/3 of the dentin outer) when combined with non-invasive control methods alone.References
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