Self-Medication for Toothache in Children: A Cross-Sectional Study
Self Medication, Facial Pain, ChildAbstract
Objective: To construct, validate, and apply a questionnaire to assess and characterize the practice of self-medication performed by parents or children's guardians undergoing dental care. Material and Methods: A questionnaire was constructed, validated, and applied through personal interviews in the teaching clinics of two higher education institutions in the Federal District. Absolute and relative frequencies of categorical variables were calculated using descriptive statistics. Quantitative data were presented as mean and standard deviation. The chi-square test measured the association between the studied variables and self-medication. Results: One hundred and five participants were interviewed between August 2019 and November 2020. The average age of the participants was 37 (± 9) years, and most were mothers of the children who attended (78%) and users of the public health system (94.2%). The average family income was 1.88 minimum wage, and the most prevalent educational level was complete high school (40%). Conclusion: Despite the high level of knowledge about medication safety in children, self-medication was practiced in 50% of them. Difficulty in accessing dental treatment was mentioned by most as a justification. Self-medication was associated with dental pain, continuous medication use, and family self-medication habits.References
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