Desensitizing Agent Previously Applied During In-Office Bleaching: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trial
Tooth Bleaching, Hypersensitivity, Fluorides, Hydrogen PeroxideAbstract
Objective: To compare the clinical effect of two desensitizing agents used before the application of a bleaching gel based on 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP). Material and Methods: 30 patients were selected, and two desensitizing agents with different mechanisms of action were applied: Fluorine Neutral 2% (FN), which acts by blocking dentinal canaliculi while Potassium Nitrate 5% with 2% Sodium Fluoride (PN/SF) that acts in nerve transmission and blockade. Desensitizers were used before the application of 35% HP. For whitening, three clinical sessions were performed, with an interval of seven days, with three applications of the bleaching gel for 15 minutes, totaling 45 minutes/session. Tooth sensitivity (TS) was assessed with the numerical analog scale, and a spectrophotometer was used to obtain the color variation (ΔE).ΔE were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05), and TS data were submitted to a two-way ANOVA analysis. Results: For sensitivity experience, the Tukey test indicated differences between PN/SF and the placebo I, but there was no statistically significant difference between FN and the placebo II. The TS was lower when the desensitizing gel was used during the bleaching procedure compared to after treatment, regardless of the desensitizing agents. Conclusion: PN/SF before in-office tooth bleaching can reduce TS intensity, and the use of desensitizing gel before bleaching did not affect the bleaching efficacy.References
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