A Comparative Analysis of Three Online Drug-Drug Interaction Checkers: A Short Communication
Dentistry, Psychotropic Drugs, Drug Interactions, Decision Support Systems, ClinicalAbstract
Objective: To assess the agreement among three different online drug-drug interaction (DDI) checkers for the detection of psychotropic drug interactions among dental patients in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Material and Methods: Between January and December 2017, a cross-sectional study was conducted in Minas Gerais with data on pharmaceutical claims of psychotropic drugs prescribed by dental practitioners. Data from the Pharmaceutical Management System provided the drug dispensing history of the patients, allowing the identification of those on concomitant medication use. The occurrence of DDI was determined by entering the name of the drugs taken by each patient into Merative Micromedex®, Medscape®, and DrugBank. The degree of agreement among the three DDI online checkers was analyzed using the Fleiss' kappa test. Results: Overall, 797 dental patients were found to be taking some psychotropic medication with other drugs simultaneously. The number of patients with DDI varied according to Micromedex® (n= 366), Medscape® (n= 473), and DrugBank (n= 736). The agreement between the DDI checkers was poor (Fleiss' kappa: 0.165; p<0.001). Conclusion: The online DDI checkers assessed in this study showed variations in their ability to detect interactions and poor agreement among them.References
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