Early Childhood Caries in a Northeastern Brazilian Capital: Observations of Social Distinct Daycare Centers
Oral Health, Dental Caries, Pediatric DentistryAbstract
Objective: To investigate factors associated with the experience of dental caries in children in early childhood in two socially distinct centers in the city of São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in two socially distinct daycare centers (private and public). The children were assessed regarding their caries experience, and their parents/guardians were prepared regarding socioeconomic information, parents/guardians' habits, and children's habits. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Association tests and multivariate analyses were performed to analyze independent variables and outcomes (type of daycare center and caries experience) using a p-value of 5%. Results: The sample consisted of 89 children aged up to 5 years of both sexes. The type of daycare center was associated with some socioeconomic data, such as family income (p<0.01) and parents' education (p=0.05). Data on oral hygiene and children's habits, such as breastfeeding, also remained associated with the type of daycare center. There was an association between income and DMFT (PR=8.48 - 95%CI 2.26;31.78). Conclusion: The socioeconomic profile of parents/guardians and breastfeeding were associated with the prevalence of caries in deciduous teeth in children aged 10 to 48 months.References
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