Compliance Analysis of the Dental Care Service Provided to Pregnant Women in Primary Health Care
Primary Health Care, Pregnant Women, Prenatal Care, Dental CareAbstract
Objective: To analyze oral health services for pregnant women in the primary health care of a Brazilian metropolis, based on the performance of dentists who integrate these services. Material and Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted through qualitative and quantitative approaches. A semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. This study was conducted in a Brazilian metropolis and included all dentists working in primary health care. The compliance analysis was performed considering access, adherence, group activity and individual dental care dimensions. Open questions were analyzed using the content analysis method and the closed questions were performed using frequency estimates. Bivariate statistics (Chi-square, Fisher's Exact Test, α<0.05) were analyzed through STATA. Results: 260 dentists agreed to participate in this study. Strategies to facilitate the scheduling of pregnant women to dental treatment occur in 93.9% of oral health teams, the main one being the scheduling and/or referral performed by the family health team. In terms of access and adherence to treatment, all variables in these dimensions showed relevant compliance results. The group activity dimension presented moderate compliance percentages, whereas individual care obtained high results, except for referral to radiography. Conclusion: The oral health service was compliant regarding access and adherence to treatment, but showed limitations in individual care and collective activities. Recommendations include improving oral health team coverage and permanent education programs.
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