Impact of Augmented Reality Guided Toothbrushing on Oral Hygiene Parameters Among 6 – 8 Years-old Children: A Pilot Trial


  • Seema Deshmukh
  • Adithya Mahesh
  • Sreejeeta Dey


Computer Simulation, Toothbrushing, Oral Hygiene, Technology


Objective: To determine the effect of Augmented Reality (AR) - based toothbrushing on oral hygiene practices among 6-8yrs old children of Mysuru City. Material and Methods: A concurrent parallel examiner-blinded study was conducted on 6-8yrs old children. The participants were divided into two groups: a) the Conventional brushing group and b) the AR-assisted brushing group. Oral hygiene parameters were assessed at the baseline. The conventional group was given a manual toothbrush. The AR-assisted group received a Colgate Magik toothbrush. Both groups were followed up for two weeks. The acceptance of using AR-assisted brushing was recorded via feedback. The pre-post comparison within the group was carried out using a paired t-test. Results: An improvement in oral hygiene status with a significant reduction in the AR-assisted brushing group (p<0.0001) was observed. The percentage reduction in plaque and gingival bleeding scores was also higher in the AR-assisted brushing group. Conclusion: Augmented reality guided toothbrushing is an effective method to teach positive oral hygiene behavior in children.


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How to Cite

Deshmukh, S., Mahesh, A., & Dey, S. (2024). Impact of Augmented Reality Guided Toothbrushing on Oral Hygiene Parameters Among 6 – 8 Years-old Children: A Pilot Trial. Pesquisa Brasileira Em Odontopediatria E Clínica Integrada, 24, e230183. Retrieved from



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