Understanding the Visual Behavior for the Improved Cone Beam Computed Tomography Diagnosis and Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries: An Eye-Tracking Study


  • Shatha S. Zahran


Cone-Beam Computed Tomography, Eye-Tracking Technology, Tooth Injuries


Objective: To investigate the relationship between eye-tracking visual parameters and the precision of diagnoses and management for traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) in anterior teeth, utilizing CBCT to understand how visual observation is linked to cognitive processing. Material and Methods: A total of nineteen calibrated endodontic postgraduate residents participated in this study. They were subjected to an eye-tracking technology to analyze their interaction and interpretation of CBCT images. CBCT scans of maxillary teeth affected by TDIs were collected from individuals seeking treatment at the endodontic division of KAUD. Seven TDI cases were viewed through the Experiment Centre software, integrated with a SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) eye-tracking device (Sensomotoric Instruments, Teltow, Germany), capturing the participants’ eye movements as they analyzed CBCT image views. Clinical details were provided for each case, and residents formulated their diagnoses and management. The association between the parameters of eye-tracking behavior and the accuracy of both diagnosis and management was examined using the Mann-Whitney test. Results: A longer duration spent scanning the entire CBCT scan and a prolonged time until pathology detection were associated with accurate diagnosis and treatment decisions. However, a significant association was not found between longer time spent on areas of interest or the number of revisits with the accurate diagnosis and management. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that detailed examination of CBCT scans enhances diagnostic precision and management for traumatic dental injuries, underscoring the potential of targeted training to improve diagnostic accuracy. Future research with larger and more diverse samples is recommended to confirm these findings.


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How to Cite

Zahran, S. S. (2024). Understanding the Visual Behavior for the Improved Cone Beam Computed Tomography Diagnosis and Management of Traumatic Dental Injuries: An Eye-Tracking Study. Pesquisa Brasileira Em Odontopediatria E Clínica Integrada, 24, e240132. Retrieved from https://revista.uepb.edu.br/PBOCI/article/view/3727



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