Toothache and Associated Factors in Brazilian Indigenous Populations: A Critical Review
Toothache, Indigenous Peoples, Oral HealthAbstract
Objective: To know the information available in bibliographic sources about dental pain and its associated factors in Brazilian Indigenous individuals. Material and Methods: Critical review in which a literature search was conducted in the databases: BVS encompassing LILACS, MEDLINE and also PubMed and Scielo. Descriptors in Portuguese and English were used, and the Boolean operator “AND” was used to cross the information. Results: After completing literature searches in the databases and other sources the authors obtained 285 articles, and after exclusion of duplicate journals and articles whose titles, abstracts and texts were not related to the researched subject, 02 articles were included in the review. Conclusion: There are few studies on the topic researched, which highlights the need to develop more research in this area to enable comparisons and obtain the best scientific evidence on the researched topic. The Indigenous adult and adolescent population, when compared to the general population, showed a higher percentage of people with toothache that was associated with poor self-perception of oral health.
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