Increasing the Number of Osteoblasts and Decreasing RANKL Expression on Diabetic Periodontitis in Rats Post-Administration of Nanoliposome Papaya Seed Extract


  • Khusnul Munika Listari
  • Ratih Pusporini
  • Yuli Nugraeni
  • Lukman Hakim Hidayat
  • Vitha Dwi Festari
  • Jasmine Dewinta Firdaus


Plant Extracts, Carica, Osteoblast, Diabetes Complications, Periodontics


Objective: To evaluate the impact of nanoliposome papaya seed extract on the number of osteoblasts and RANKL expression in a diabetic periodontitis rat model. Material and Methods: Thirty-six Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into three groups; each group was Group T0 (rats induced to become diabetic periodontitis without treatment), Group T1 (rats induced to become diabetic periodontitis and given 96% papaya seed extract) and Group T2 (rats induced to become diabetic periodontitis and given 96% nanoliposome papaya seed extract). They were assessed at three points in time: day 3, day 7, and day 14. The extracts were given orally at 0.5 ml and drops as much as 0.03 ml on the gingival sulcus, and treatments were given once a day in each group at a predetermined time. Osteoblast cells were counted by hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining, and RANKL expression was counted by immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining. The difference in osteoblast cells and RANKL expression between groups were analysed by one-way ANOVA and post hoc tests. Results: There was a significant difference in the number of osteoblasts on day 14 in the groups; a significant difference was also seen in RANKL expression on day 7 and day 14 in the groups. Conclusion: Administration of nanoliposome papaya seed extract affects the enhancement of the number of osteoblasts and reduction of RANKL expression in vivo.


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How to Cite

Listari, K. M., Pusporini, R., Nugraeni, Y., Hidayat, L. H., Festari, V. D., & Firdaus, J. D. (2024). Increasing the Number of Osteoblasts and Decreasing RANKL Expression on Diabetic Periodontitis in Rats Post-Administration of Nanoliposome Papaya Seed Extract. Pesquisa Brasileira Em Odontopediatria E Clínica Integrada, 25, e230002. Retrieved from



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