Development of a Questionnaire to Describe Endodontic Treatments in Primary Teeth among Brazilian Dental Practitioners: Face and Content Validity
Pediatric Dentistry, Endodontics, Tooth, Deciduous, Surveys and QuestionnairesAbstract
Objective: To develop a questionnaire to describe endodontic treatments in primary teeth among Brazilian dental practitioners, focused on face and content validity (FCV). Material and Methods: An online validation process involved ten judges (panel of experts) and 32 dental practitioners (pre-test). The initial questionnaire (33 items) was developed after a literature review and divided into two parts: 7 questions for characterizing Brazilian dental practitioners (Part 1) and 26 questions for characterizing the endodontic treatment in primary teeth carried out by them (Part 2). The questionnaire was assessed for appearance, comprehension, and relevance using a 4-point Likert scale. Validity was achieved when the Validity Index was equal to or greater than 80% (0.8), considering responses 3 or 4 acceptable. Results: Two rounds were necessary for all items of the data collection instrument to be validated. The Validity Index for the entire instrument was established at 0.97 among the experts and 0.95 among the pre-test participants. The appearance, comprehension, and relevance criteria within the panel of experts achieved Validity Indices of 0.94, 0.97, and 0.99, respectively. The pre-test participants' values were 0.97, 0.94, and 0.94, respectively. The approximate response time for the data collection instrument ranged between 5-6 minutes. Within the expert panel, 70% of the judges rated the difficulty of filling it out as "easy." Among the pre-test participants, 56.3% judged it "very easy." Conclusion: After this validation process, the questionnaire has acceptable face and content validity and is uncomplicated and quick to fill out.References
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