Dental Trauma Care According to the Perception of Pediatric Dentists in Brazil during the Initial COVID-19 Pandemic Period: A Cross-Sectional Study
Tooth Injuries, Pediatric Dentistry, Telemedicine, COVID-19Abstract
Objective: To evaluate dental trauma care including teledentistry use by Brazilian pediatric dentists in the early pandemic period (2020/2021). Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study, collected through a self-administered online survey, sociodemographic characteristics, use of teledentistry as a resource for remote Traumatic Dental Injuries (TDIs) care, and variables regarding trauma, such as etiology and type of trauma. Data were described by frequencies and analyzed with the chi-square test. Results: Of 374 pediatric dentists, 323 attended TDIs during the pandemic period. Majority of the participants were women (88.5%). Associations were found between some characteristics of pediatric dentists with having attended dental trauma, specifically age 21-39 years (p=0.001) and graduation time (p≤0.001). TDI appointments increased compared to the pre-pandemic period. Teledentistry was used as a valuable resource for remote orientation and monitoring patients who suffered TDIs. Etiology and trauma types remained the same compared to the period before the pandemic. Conclusion: Teledentistry was a useful resource for guidance and monitoring trauma. However, to be implemented in daily practice, it is necessary to develop regulatory norms.References
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