Evaluation of the Confidence Levels in Treatment Planning Decisions among Dental Students
Self-Assessment, Education, Dental, Graduate, Dental Students, Patient Care PlanningAbstract
Objective: To evaluate confidence levels in treatment planning decisions among dental students. Material and Methods: A questionnaire about difficulties in diagnostic and performing procedures was distributed to dental students in their third to final year at a private university in Brazil. Respondents rated their confidence on a scale from "none to mild" to "moderate to maximum. The Chi-square test was used to assess whether there was a difference in the students' responses according to the stage they were in in the course. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: 137 students participated, and 40% did not consider social data essential in treatment planning. The highest difficulty levels were reported in the diagnosis of Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) (83%) and oral lesions (79%). The main difficulties in the treatment were reported as therapy for TMD (84%), rehabilitation therapy (70%) and patients with medical conditions (65%). 91% do not feel confident in handling emergencies. When comparing senior students to those in mid-course, significant differences were noted in diagnosing carious lesions (24% vs. 58%) and TMD cases (95% vs. 75%). Conclusion: This study highlighted that a significant portion of dental students do not consider social determinants of health as relevant to treatment planning, as well as issues related to student confidence in TMD treatment and managing patients with medical conditions. Dental schools should monitor the confidence levels of their students, creating an opportunity to address these deficits.
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