Inclusion of Pediatric Dentistry in the Curricular Structure of Dental Courses in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Pediatric Dentistry, Oral Health, Curriculum, History of Dentistry, Education, DentalAbstract
Objective: To investigate the inclusion of pediatric dentistry in the curricular matrix of dental courses in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Material and Methods: A descriptive exploratory study was conducted. Searches were conducted from the e-MEC systems in December of 2023. The variables of interest were the categorization of the course (public or private), total course load, structuring of the teaching of pediatric dentistry (curricular, elective/optative or extension), course load of pediatric dentistry, number of semesters and nomenclature. Results: There are 28 dental courses in the state (three public and 25 private). Total course load ranged from 4,000 to 4,700 hours and 80% of the courses had ten semesters. Pediatric dentistry is curricular and normally available between the seventh and ninth semesters, with a total hourly load between 120 and 420 hours, generally in two consecutive semesters. Conclusion: The state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, underwent an exponential expansion of dental courses, especially in the form of private schools. The courses follow the national curricular guidelines (NCGs), and pediatric dentistry is a curricular discipline normally offered in the last semesters of the course. Considerable divergence, however, was found in the course load for pediatric dentistry. There is an evident need for the definition of theoretical content and minimum clinical training to enable students to develop skills for treating children.References
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