Genetic Polymorphisms in the DR2D, ANKK1, COMT, 5HTT Genes and Dental Fluorosis: Is There Any Interplay?
Fluorosis, Dental, Polymorphism, Genetic, GeneticsAbstract
Objective: To investigate the association between genetic polymorphisms in DRD2, ANKK1, COMT, and 5HTT genes and dental fluorosis (DF). Material and Methods: 256 adolescents were examined, and dental fluorosis was diagnosed using the modified Dean index. Genomic DNA was collected, and seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), two in the DRD2 (rs6275 and rs6276), one in the ANKK1 (rs1800497), two in the COMT (rs6269 and rs4818), and two in the 5HTT (rs3813034 and rs1042173) were selected. Allele, haplotype, and diplotype frequency comparisons were performed. Multifactorial Dimensionality Reduction investigated SNP-SNP interactions. Allele and haplotype frequency comparisons were performed by PLINK version 1.06. The Fisher exact test performed genotypic analysis, and Poisson Regression was adjusted by gender. Results: In the allelic frequency analysis, rs6275 was associated with DF (p=0.040), and rs6276 was borderline (p=0.07), being confirmed in the haplotype (p<0.05) and diplotype (p=0.007) analysis. Conclusion: The data suggest that DRD2, ANKK1, COMT, and 5HTT genes synergistically interact to increase the dental fluorosis risk.
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