Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) in the Oral Health Care Network of São Paulo-SP (ARTSUS-SP): Development of an Evidence-Informed Public Health Strategy
Dentistry, Public Policy, Oral Health, Health PolicyAbstract
Objective: To describe and analyze the context and decision-making process to deal with a major problem: the high prevalence of dental caries and the great difficulty in moving students from schools to the Basic Health Units of the Unified Health System for carrying out treatments in a metropolis. Material and Methods: To conduct this work, we used the "3-i+E Framework", which can help explore how key factors interact to influence, define, and structure policy choices. The data were collected from different sources using a qualitative exploratory approach. A documentary analysis of the minutes from meetings of a committee of specialists and an analysis of interviews with key informants were carried out. Results: As for institutions, governmental structures, policy networks, the oral health care network implemented at the municipality level were considered fundamental aspects that enabled the development of the strategies. As for ideas, three factors were highlighted: 1) the teaching-service relationship, which was fundamental for the decision to be based on scientific evidence; 2) managers valued scientific evidence, and 3) university was effective in communicating research results. With regard to interests, the decision-making was consolidated from the convergence of interests of public officials, politicians and researchers. Conclusion: The problem and its solutions were addressed at the political agenda by a window of opportunity, and the decision-making process was well-informed.
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