Assessing the Quality of YouTube® Videos on Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Inhalation: A Multi-Dimensional Approach for Pediatric Dentists
Practice Guidelines as Topic, Education, Dental, Nitrous Oxide, Oxygen Inhalation TherapyAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the content, credibility, quality, and alignment with American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) guidelines of YouTube® videos on Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen (N2O/O2) Inhalation for pediatric dentists. Material and Methods: Two hundred YouTube® videos on N2O/O2 inhalation were assessed using an AAPD-aligned checklist for content, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) benchmarks for credibility, and Video Information and Quality Index (VIQI) elements for quality. A total score combining these three tools determined each video's overall quality. Analysis used Kruskal-Wallis tests and Spearman's correlation, while reliability was assessed using Cohen's kappa. Results: Of the initial 200 videos, 82 were thoroughly analyzed, with only 15.9% contributed by pediatric dentists. Mean scores were: JAMA 0.62/4 (SD=0.87), VIQI 4.68/10 (SD=2.10), content 8.01/33 (SD=7.50), and total 26.39/100 (SD=20.44). Most videos failed JAMA credibility criteria (63.4-96.3% absence rates). For VIQI, 75.6% rated poor for visual clarity. Significant positive correlations existed between video duration, interaction index, and total score (p<0.05). Most videos demonstrated limited coverage of crucial aspects, such as contraindications, pre-operative instructions, behavior management, delivery systems, monitoring, staff safety, occupational risks, and legal documentation. Conclusion: Existing YouTube® content on N2O/O2 inhalation falls short of AAPD guidelines and quality standards (including content, credibility, and technical aspects), underscoring the need for pediatric dentists to validate information with reliable sources. There is an immediate call for high-quality, guideline-adherent content.References
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