Evaluation of Satisfaction of Adolescents Treated by Dental Students


  • Carolina Reis Fernandes Coelho
  • Fernanda Ribeiro Pedrosa
  • Lívia Guimarães Zina
  • Flávio de Freitas Mattos
  • Renata de Castro Martins
  • João Henrique Lara do Amaral
  • Andrea Clemente Palmier
  • Mara Vasconcelos


Patient Satisfaction, Health Services Research, Adolescent Health Services


Objective: To evaluate the satisfaction of adolescents undergoing dental treatment between 2016 and 2018 at the Dental School of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (FAO UFMG). Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study using the Oral Health Services Satisfaction Assessment Questionnaire (QASSaB). The structured questionnaire has eleven questions divided among the dimensions: dentist / patient relationship, relationship with other professionals, effectiveness, accessibility/availability, technical-scientific quality, cleanliness and physical environment, acceptability, effectiveness/resolution, each with five response options. Descriptive data analysis was performed using absolute and relative frequencies. Results: A total of 145 adolescents participated in this study, 60 males and 85 females; 74.85% of adolescents rated dental treatment received as excellent, 76.7% reported having no symptoms after treatment, 46.2% considered it easy/very easy to get treatment, 65.6% reported that waiting time was short/very short, 90% considered dental equipment modern/very modern, 98% regarded the cleanliness of the waiting room and bathrooms as being excellent, 83.4% reported that they always received an explanation about the treatment, and 51.57% were totally satisfied with the appearance of the treated teeth and their chewing capacity. Conclusion: It was possible to observe that the adolescents, users of FAO UFMG, were satisfied with the service in the studied dimensions: human relations, effectiveness, accessibility/availability, technical-scientific quality, physical environment/cleanliness, acceptability and resolvability/effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Coelho, C. R. F. ., Pedrosa, F. R. ., Zina, L. G. ., Mattos, F. de F. ., Martins, R. de C. ., do Amaral, J. H. L. ., Palmier, A. C. ., & Vasconcelos, M. . (2021). Evaluation of Satisfaction of Adolescents Treated by Dental Students. Pesquisa Brasileira Em Odontopediatria E Clínica Integrada, 21, e0045. Retrieved from https://revista.uepb.edu.br/PBOCI/article/view/618



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