Clinical and Molecular Disorders Caused by COVID-19 During Pregnancy as a Potential Risk for Enamel Defects
COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, Dental Care, Dental Enamel, Child, PregnancyAbstract
This paper discusses the potential risk that COVID-19 generates for the development of enamel defects. This hypothesis was built based on the etiopathogenesis of enamel defects and the relationship with the symptom’s characteristic of COVID-19. Pregnancy is a critical period for the child's development; exposure to pathological agents can cause systemic imbalances and risks of adverse perinatal and prenatal outcomes. The main clinical symptoms of this disease and its association with that dental outcome were considered. Fever, breathing, cardiovascular disorders, and diarrhea were related as potential etiological factors of ameloblast metabolism imbalance, which can interfere qualitatively and quantitatively in the development, maturation and mineralization of the tooth enamel. Molecular disorders derived from COVID-19, as well as their clinical symptoms, can be considered potential risk factors for the development of enamel defects. Individuals with enamel defects experienced high stress levels during pregnancy or early childhood. The approach adopted may help build new research to ensure understanding of the etiology of the development of dental enamel defects and its relationship with COVID-19. However, longitudinal studies need to be conducted to confirm the association between COVID-19 and adverse events during pregnancy.
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