Dental Findings of Kidney and Liver Transplantation Patients from a Brazilian Oral Health Care Service
Dental Caries, Kidney Transplantation, Liver Transplantation, Dental Health ServicesAbstract
Objective: To describe dental findings of kidney and liver, pre and post-transplant patients of an oral health care service from a Brazilian Southeast state. Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was developed with a sample of patients attending the oral health care program for transplantation of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Participants were divided into two groups according to the kind of transplantation-kidney or liver. Characteristics of the sample, sex (male/female), age (18-44; 45-54; 55-80), living region (Belo Horizonte, or outside), phase of transplantation (pre-Tx or post-Tx), and self-report of diabetes mellitus and hypertension were presented by frequencies. Dental caries experienced was measured by Decayed, Missing and Filled-Teeth (DMF-T) index. Results: 185 patients, kidney (46; 24.9%), and liver (139; 75.1%) were included. Mean DMFT was 18.3 (20.0). DMFT scores of males (18.7; 20.0), females (17.2; 18.0), pre-transplanted (18.3; 20.0), and post-transplanted (18.1; 20.0) were similar. The liver transplantation group (19.3; 20.0) showed higher caries experience comparing to kidney´s (15.2; 17.0). Conclusion: Dental caries experience was high in kidney and liver patients under transplantation therapy. This highlights the demand for treatment need in this population.
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