Radiographic Assessment of Third Molars Agenesis Patterns in Young Adults
Molar, Third, Tooth Abnormalities, Anodontia, PrevalenceAbstract
Objective: To determine the prevalence of third molar agenesis and associated characteristics. Material and Methods: A total of 2374 panoramic radiographs were retrieved from the radiological archives and evaluated in a computer monitor under optimum viewing conditions. The basic demographic data (age and sex) and the primary findings regarding the presence or absence of third molars in the maxillary and mandibular arches were recorded systematically in a specially designed proforma. Categorical variables were compared using the Chi-square test. Results: A total of 2000 panoramic radiographs were included in the study, of which 1004 were females (50.2%), and 996 were of males (49.8%). The incidence of third molar agenesis was 486 patients (24.3%). Maxillary third molar showed a higher prevalence of agenesis (28.8%) than mandibular third molars (16.4%). A total of 1514 patients (75.7%) had third molars in all four quadrants, and the remaining 486 patients (24.3%) had agenesis of third molar tooth in at least one of the quadrants. Single tooth agenesis was observed in 219 (11%) patients, two teeth agenesis in 172 (8.6%) patients, three teeth agenesis in 39 (2%) patients, and four teeth agenesis in 56 (2.8%) patients. Conclusion: The present study exhibited a maximum number of single tooth agenesis. It was also observed that maxillary third molar agenesis is more than the mandibular third molar and the right side is more than the left side. Agenesis of the third molar is more prevalent in males as compared to females.
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