Clinical Competence of Undergraduate Dental Students in Pediatric Dentistry at a Saudi Dental School
Quality of Health Care, Clinical Competence, Students, Dental, Pediatric DentistryAbstract
Objective: To assess the clinical competence of undergraduate dental students in pediatric dentistry at Qassim University dental school. Material and Methods: A retrospective audit of students' clinical competency sheets of fourth and fifth-year students (n= 102) over two years was performed. Mean competency scores for each clinical procedure as well as overall scores of the students were compared according to their academic level and gender. Also, the percentage of competent students was compared according to the academic level. Chi-square and t-tests were used to analyze the data (p<0.05). Results: Compared to fifth-year students, fourth-year students were significantly more competent in pediatric dentistry (100% scored >50% overall compared to 86.9 % of fifth-year students). They had significantly higher mean overall scores (84.63 ± 9.15 compared to 67.68 ± 13.83) as well as individual scores in performing an examination, diagnosis, and treatment planning of a child patient, restorations, and stainless steel crowns than fifth-year students. In addition, females had significantly higher mean scores in the aforementioned procedures and in placing esthetic crowns (p<0.05). Conclusion: Fourth-year dental students at Qassim University were more competent clinically than fifth-year students in pediatric dentistry. Also, in most of the shared procedures, females were more competent than males. A deficiency in the competence of fifth-year students was noted in pulp therapy, stainless steel and esthetic crowns procedures, and these are currently being addressed.
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