Analysis of Tongue Color-Associated Features among Patients with PCR-Confirmed COVID-19 Infection in Ukraine
Coronavirus Infections, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, TongueAbstract
Objective: To evaluate and systematize tongue color-related manifestations among patients with PCR-confirmed COVID-19 infection. Material and Methods: This retrospective study included analysis of tongue images obtained from patients with PCR-confirmed COVID-19 infection. Evaluation of coronavirus disease severity (mild, moderate, severe, critical) was provided, considering clinical symptomatology and results of laboratorial and instrumental diagnostic methods. Each picture was analyzed considering the parameters of color of the tongue and color of the tongue plaque by two dental specialists. Cochran-Armitage test for trend was used to evaluate associations between the tongue color and tongue plaque color, and coronavirus disease severity. Results: The most prevalent tongue colors were pale pink, red and dark red (burgundy color). A total of 64.29% of patients with mild disease demonstrated pale pink color of the tongue. Patients with moderate coronavirus disease were characterized with the adverse trend: 62.35% of them presented with red-colored tongue, while in 37.64% of cases, the tongue was pale pink. Severe COVID-19 patients, almost in 90% of the cases, had either red or burgundy color of the tongue. Conclusion: SARS-COV-2 infection is not manifested by tongue-targeted or tongue-specific signs and features; however, coronavirus disease itself provokes changes within the tongue color and tongue plaque color similar to those registered during other internal pathologies.
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