Rare Diseases and COVID-19: How are the Patients?
Dear Editor,
When searching the scientific literature COVID-19-associated syndromes in addition to syndromes middle eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), some cardiovascular syndromes and post intensive care syndrome [1,2], we found the syndromes of Guillain-Barré, Miller Fisher, polyneuritis cranialis, Kawasaki, Inflammatory multisystem syndrome, and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion [3-29]. Of these, only Guillain-Barré syndrome and Miller Fisher syndrome, Kawasaki diseases and Inflammatory multisystem syndrome have currently present cranio-facial manifestation (Table 1), but possibly others will become know when the damage of COVID-19 becomes known.
Although there is no standardized definition of rare diseases, the classification of rare diseases is closely related to a definition according to point prevalence in the current political and legislative context, and such definitions are based on a prevalence threshold directly or implied. According to the World Health Organization (WOS) and adopted by the Ministry of Health of Brazil, a rare disease affects up to 65 per 100,000 individuals [30]. Each rare disease, taken separately, affects a limited number of people. Considering, however, that there are up to 8,000 types of rare diseases worldwide, when grouped under a single category, their epidemiological impact may become quite significant. About 80% of those are caused by genetic factors, and the rest by other factors, such as environmental, infectious and immunologicalones [31]. Thus, rare diseases are a global challenge that must be overcome. A multi-professional and interdisciplinary team, including pediatric dentistry, oral medicine and pathology, is essential for success throughout the process.
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