Accuracy Assessment of Virtual Surgical Planning Comparing 3D Virtual Surgical Planning and Post-Operative CBCTs in Surgical Skeletal Class III Cases: A Retrospective Study
Orthodontics, Malocclusion, Angle Class III, Epidemiologic MethodsAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of Virtual Surgical Planning (VSP) comparing VSPs and post-operative CBCT scans in patients undergoing bimaxillary orthognathic surgery of severe Skeletal Class III malocclusion. Material and Methods: Twenty-three patients (9 males and 14 females, mean age 24.1 ± 7.0 years) were selected and submitted to bimaxillary orthognathic surgery. Pre-operative VSPs and post-operative CBCTs were compared using both linear (taking into account four skeletal and six dental landmarks, each one described by the respective coordinates) and angular measures (seven planes in total). The threshold discrepancies for post-operative clinical acceptable results were set at ≤2 mm for liner and ≤4° for angular discrepancies. The mean difference values and its 95% confidence interval were identified, comparing which planned and which obtained in absolute value. Results: There were significant statistical differences for all absolute linear measures investigated, although only two overcome the linear threshold value of 2mm in both X and Y-linear dimensions. Linear deviations in Z-linear dimension do not reach statistical significance. All 12 angular measures reach the statistical significance, although none overcome the threshold angular value of 4°. Angular deviation for roll register the higher accuracy in contrast to pitch and yaw. Conclusion: Virtual surgical planning is a reliable planning method to be used in orthognathic surgery field; as a matter of fact, although some discrepancies between the planned on the obtained are evident, most of them meet the tolerability range.
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