In Vitro Microscopic Evaluation of Metal- And Zirconium-Oxide-Based Crowns’ Marginal Fit
Dental Prosthesis, Crowns, Zirconium, Gingiva, Dental PorcelainAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the marginal adaptation of computer-aided designing and computer-aided machining (CAD/CAM) fabricated cobalt-chromium and zirconium-oxide-based ceramic crowns compared to those produced by a conventional method. Material and Methods: The study consists of three groups; 45 crowns fabricated from cobalt-chromium (CAD-CoCr) and 45 crowns manufactured from zirconium CAD/CAM technology (CAD-Z), and 45 control (C) which consists of conventional metal-ceramic crowns. The marginal discrepancies in vertical dimensions were assessed utilizing a microscope in four surfaces (mesial, distal, vestibular, and oral) for each crown. On completion of the microscopic evaluation, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to study the difference in the four surfaces, considered altogether. Two-way ANOVA revealed the effect of three systems used for gap measurements of each landmark. The differences observed were considered significant at p<0.05. Results: There were no differences in the four surfaces revealed by АNOVА in the three groups when considered altogether. Two-way ANOVA of each surface discovered no differences among all groups as well. Conclusion: The CAD/CAM crowns revealed a comparable and satisfactory marginal adaptation compared to conventional metal-ceramic crowns.References
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