file as a source of information and memory
File, Memory, Núcleo de Arte Contemporânea da ParaíbaAbstract
The Archival has been consolidated by the need in the contemporary world political and social-scientific sort and dispose of archival information. From this perspective, documentation centers have been gaining increasing importance for society. However, it is necessary for information workers to monitor these changes and understand the primary function of the file: give access to information. So, this research aims to examine the documents in the file of the Center for Contemporary Art UFPB, signaling its emergence in the state of Paraiba in 1978, which attempts to characterize the files as memory space and information source, there the need of present society the importance of these places for the construction of collective memory. The results obtained from the survey show that the Center for Contemporary Art was installed in Paraiba in impetuous. But its importance is undeniable artistic and cultural to Brazil, and especially for the state of Paraiba. Aside from information about the history, it was found the opulence of file NAC while holding a social memory and immeasurable source of information. Although the files are still in the process of identification was possible to recount some memory paraibana society that has been abandoned for many years. Soon, I reaffirm the importance of this documentation center for potential users.
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