Convergence Culture, Fanfictions, Author-function, Classification curationAbstract
Fanfictions can be defined as a production of fictional stories in a canon and written by fans. In this sense, a current research, the universe of the fadões and the activities inherent to them, relating it with an Information Science. We used the concepts coined by Jenkins (2009) and Levy (1998), respectively: media convergence that is product of technological evolution and integration of various media, participatory culture that defines a content consumer action to produce i- Lo and collective intelligence, which defines a union of prior knowledge to create a shared intelligence in a specific group. In order to study the classificatory process of fanfictions no site Nyah! and characterize the writer / Use of research data in bibliographic and descriptive research allied to the application of online questionnaire for data collection. It was found that the Fandoms (fan communities) are composed mostly by female students. The site of fanfictions Niah! constitute two filters to classify their histories, being: category and gender. The research process conducted by fans takes into account the plot of the story to the detriment of the pre-established category and genre. The collected data demonstrate that a good part of the users approved the means available for the classification, however, a portion believed as categories can be improved by means of adding them. We conclude that these communities are organized and have the capacity to curate the knowledge generated within them. In addition to representing a rich field of study in several areas of knowledge, including for Librarianship. The Research was developed from the granting of a scholarship by the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC / CNPq).
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