Museological documentation, Museological management, Train Museum of Piauí, Museum planningAbstract
The Piauí Train Museum was created to preserve the memory of the railway's development period in the state of Piauí, Northeastern region of Brazil, and is considered a historical heritage by means of a tipping done by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) in the year located in the Station Square of the municipality of Parnaíba, north of Piauí, the cultural equipment was installed and inaugurated on August 15, 2002, having a complex that starts in the maneuvering yard, where is Locomotive 29, and extends to the building where the passenger station of the Central Railroad of Piauí in Parnaíba operated. In the year of 2015, a museological diagnosis was made in the institution. It was verified, with certain work, that the museum did not have a series of requirements to be effectively considered and registered as a museum in the Brazilian Institute of Museums (IBRAM); such conditions were related to the moment of its creation and implementation, as well as to its day-to-day operations, rendering the entity's management and planning unviable. It was also found in this research that the Piauí Train Museum was not endowed with a documentary relation of the quantity of pieces that made up its collection, which was based on the risk of the existence of all its collection, and therefore, of the museum itself. With the completion of the work, all the objectives were achieved and the products were made available to the Piauí Train Museum, in order to enable the planning and management of information, enabling the improvement of the techniques of conservation of its parts and documents, to preserve the railway memory contained in this historical cultural heritage, and contribute greatly to the future recognition and registration of this institution in IBRAM.
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