UFPB Central Library, Memory, Cultural practicesAbstract
This paper aims to present, discuss and reflect theoretically on the historical course of cultural practices of the Central Library (BC) of the Federal Universityof Paraíba (UFPB) as a university public library viewed from the perspective of cultural equipment beyond the basic premise of support to University Teaching, Research and Extension. The purpose of this study is to reconstruct fragments of the history of cultural actions promoted by the Central Library of UFPB, in a time frame from 1981 to 2019, thus evoking the cultural actions that were developed, through reports of servers, oral narratives that emerge from their memoirs. The methodology adopted for the construction of this research will take place in two phases, characterized, in due order, exploratory, descriptive and qualitative. It is also characterized as bibliographic and field research, in line with the research data sources. As for the method, we will use the documentary research, oral reports, with are relevant methodologies to gather the knowledge produced. To achieve the objectives proposed by the research, it will be initiated through a bibliographic overview, based on the search for theoretical subsidies to assimilate and interpret concepts of memory, cultural actions, institutional memory, among others. In this research we realize that it is not possible to think of the library today without considering the freedom of access to information as a human right for the exercise of creative thinking. It must be understood that there is a perpetual circle, that is, the information produced is organized and made available to a specific audience that accesses the data, combines it, analyzes and criticizes it, generating a new information product that, in turn, it must be integrated into a service that allows public access.
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