
  • Hamilton Rodrigues Tabosa Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
  • Valéria Gomes Pereira


Accessibility, Access to information, Librarian - acting, Electronic assistive technologies


This study is to highlight the importance of access to information and library as change agents, showing the role of the librarian as support for the visually impaired to access information. The overall goal of this work is to verify that the librarians of the State of Ceará know, use and dominate some of assistive technologies that facilitate electronic service and access for visually impaired users to information, they are trained to work with these users. Addresses concepts, types and applicability of assistive technologies for electronic access to information. The study is exploratory and descriptive, which data collection was performed by means of an electronic questionnaire along with librarians in the profession in the state of Ceará. As a result, we see the need for rigging and even the field of techniques use by librarians of Ceará, electronic assistive technology access to information for people with low vision or blind. These professionals generally do not feel qualified to work with such special needs, considering that this gap in their training, born in university life, which does not enable them to work with all different types of users.

Author Biography

Hamilton Rodrigues Tabosa , Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Professor do curso de Biblioteconomia da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Mestre e Bacharel em Biblioteconomia pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC).


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How to Cite

Tabosa , H. R., & Pereira, V. G. (2024). STUDY ON THE LIBRARIAN QUALIFICATION CEARENSE FOR ATTENDANCE USERS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT. Revista Analisando Em Ciência Da Informação, 1(2), 21–36. Retrieved from

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