Judicial archives, Information retrieval, Database, Integrated District System of the Court of Justice of Paraíba, RevocationAbstract
Currently, the amount of information produced has increasingly required more effective and efficient information retrieval systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate the information retrieval system of the Judicial Archive of the João Pessoa Civil Forum, known as the System of Comarcas Integradas of the Court of Justice of Paraíba (SISCOM). This research is classified as of applied nature, it is descriptive exploratory and of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The method of observation and questionnaire was used to collect the opinion of the users of the system. The questionnaires were applied to a sample of nine participants, in a universe of 50 users. The sample of nine users who participated in the research was young, university level, with basic knowledge in computer science, had a traineeship, ex-trainees, or an employee with the Judicial Archive. Most of the sample already used the system between one and two years. In relation to the satisfaction with the system: a large part evaluated its textual interface as regular; all stated that the system does not have sufficient search fields, and suggested that there should be more options for the search of processes. Most participants said they feel productive when using the system, but said the system needs changes to be more efficient. However, the majority of the participating sample maintained a neutral or negative position regarding the recommendation to use SISCOM. It is concluded that the system needs modifications, especially in relation to the inclusion of other search options, to allow a combination of search fields, in order to improve its accuracy and recall, guaranteeing better usability and user satisfaction. Thus, SISCOM could contribute in a more meaningful way to a faster and more effective justice for the society of Paraíba.
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