Peter Singer, Igualdade, Defesa dos AnimaisAbstract
The objective of this paper is to analyze Peter Singer’s proposal of ethics for animals. This perspective establishes the basic principle of the author's moral positions — namely, the principle of equal consideration of interests — as a prerequisite to discuss the issue of equality so as to highlight such principle. As I intend to demonstrate, this principle holds that if there are interests at stake in terms of actions, they should be respected regardless of skin color, gender or other factual characteristics. Essentially, the moral idea to impartially consider such interests is based on sensitivity limits, especially the capacity to suffer and feel pleasure. Regarding this point, the author argues that the principle of equality can be applied to the defense of non-human animals since the sentience criterion is respected. According to such criterion, the indiscriminate exploitation of animals to meet minor interests of human beings, such as meat eating and animal experimentation, can be asserted as unjustifiable.
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