Hannah Arendt and the concept of authority in rescuing the dignity of politics
Autoridade, Estabilidade, Espaço Público, PluralidadeAbstract
This paper analyzes the concept of authority presented by Hannah Arendt and aims to develop a reflection on why the philosopher discusses the subject, considering the historical context in which she finds herself, in which she believes that the modern world is characterized by break. The philosopher develops the idea of authority as a Roman advent that guarantees the permanence and durability - stability - of political institutions, sustained by the triad of authority, tradition and religion. From the development of the analysis of this concept, Arendt states that only The United States could emulate the Roman example in Modernity. The article looks forward arguing that Arendt presents the concept of authority as an attempt to redeem the dignity of politics, since it is the concept of authority, by restricting freedom, that guarantees the existence of a public space governed by certain standards and parameters. which serves as a reference to guarantee plurality, which must be, in Arendt's perspective, the main feature of public space.
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